It was a warm and sunny evening back at one of my favorite places, the Vineyard restaurant at Hort Park, for a small and intimate wedding celebration of Dingcai and Chiayuen. I love the venue for the spacious grounds, and the cool breeze that just seems to cool you no matter where you are at. It helps that it’s situated at a slight hill as well, and thus standing there in the big open field, with no tall buildings looming against the skyline, makes for a welcome respite from the city life.
We began the day with a small little session around the grounds, and we talked about their quirks and how silly sometimes each one will get. When words ran out, they were encouraged to just hold each other for a quiet moment, to take a deep breath and hear nothing else but their own heartbeats. This was, after all, the day that they spoke their vows to each other, after all the mountains they had conquered together, after all the stories they had written together.
Their solemnization ceremony was just the way they wanted it – saying their handwritten vows set against the open field, witnessed by their close family members – nothing too fancy, in a beautiful, minimal way that I have also come to love recently. They had originally wanted to sing their vows to each other, but they decided on speaking the vows from their hearts instead. Still, everything was perfect in their own way.